"Recreation of My Teenage Bedroom." Mixed media: Collage, Toys, Bed, Lamp, Stereo with a loop of the opening to Depeche Mode's "Shake the Disease." Sacramento State College.
"Recreation of My Teenage Bedroom." Mixed media: Collage, Toys, Bed, Lamp, Stereo with a loop of the opening to Depeche Mode's "Shake the Disease." Sacramento State College.
"Recreation of My Teenage Bedroom." Mixed media: Collage, Toys, Bed, Lamp, Stereo with a loop of the opening to Depeche Mode's "Shake the Disease." Sacramento State College.
"Recreation of My Teenage Bedroom." Mixed media: Collage, Toys, Bed, Lamp, Stereo with a loop of the opening to Depeche Mode's "Shake the Disease." Sacramento State College.
"Second version Teen-age Bdrm." UC Davis Graduate Student Art Gallery. Mixed media: Costumed superhero action figures, string. Second Version of Teen-age Bedroom. 2002.
"Second version Teen-age Bdrm." UC Davis Graduate Student Art Gallery. Mixed media: Costumed superhero action figures, string. Second Version of Teen-age Bedroom. 2002.
"Baby, I Believe." Mixed media Installation. Office of Arts & Culture Seattle. Ethnic Heritage Art Gallery. 2018.
"Teen Dream." Records from the personal collection of the artist when he was a teen. UCDavis. Basement Gallery. 2001.
"Teen Dream." Records from the personal collection of the artist when he was a teen. UCDavis. Basement Gallery. 2001.
"Rorschach#10 Record Album Cross." Mixed media installation. Echo Echo Gallery. The Greenwood Collective. Seattle, WA. 2017.
"Teen Dream." Records from the personal collection of the artist when he was a teen. UCDavis. Basement Gallery. 2001.
"First Person, Singular." Record Album Cross." Mixed media installation. Echo Echo Gallery. The Greenwood Collective. Seattle, WA. 2017.
"What Are Words For?" Mixed Media Installation. Poetry Garden. Seattle Center. Sequel to sculptural installation "Message in a Bottle." at the Seattle Center. Commissioned by the Office of Arts & Culture Seattle. 2018.
"TMI" Mixed media installation. Echo Echo Gallery. The Greenwood Collective. Seattle, WA. 2017.
(Detail.) "Totally Fucked." Mixed media installation. Action figures, strings, Depeche Mode Albums. INARTSNW. Seattle, WA. 2017.
"Totally Fucked." Mixed media installation. Action figures, strings, Depeche Mode Albums. INARTSNW. Seattle, WA. 2017.
"First handmade cloth costumed Superhero figure. Made at University of Nevada, Reno. Modeled after figures that the artist hand sewed as a child." Ca 1990.
“A BOY’S LIFE.” Installation of childhood bedroom, plaster casts, Mickey Mouse caps, pews, tape player, stereo system, Action Figures. Fishbacher Arts Building, Sacramento City College. 1999.
“A BOY’S LIFE.” Installation of childhood bedroom, plaster casts, Mickey Mouse caps, pews, tape player, stereo system, Action Figures. Fishbacher Arts Building, Sacramento City College. 1999.
“A BOY’S LIFE.” Installation of childhood bedroom, plaster casts, Mickey Mouse caps, pews, tape player, stereo system, Action Figures. Fishbacher Arts Building, Sacramento City College. 1999.
Detail: Installation. "Teen Dream." Mixed media: String. Home-made action figures.
Detail: Installation. "Teen Dream." Mixed media: String. Home-made action figures.
Detail: Installation. "Teen Dream." Mixed media: String. Home-made action figures.
Detail: Installation. "Teen Dream." Mixed media: String. Home-made action figures.
Detail. "Battle #2." UC Davis Graduate Student Art Gallery. Mixed media: Costumed superhero action figures, string. 2001.
“A Question of Lust / A Question Time.” Mixed media: Hourman action figure, string, cup-holders, Depeche Mode 45’s. Interdisciplinary Graduate Symposium Art Exhibit. 2001.
“A Question of Lust / A Question Time.” Mixed media: Hourman action figure, string, cup-holders, Depeche Mode 45’s. Interdisciplinary Graduate Symposium Art Exhibit. 2001.
“A Question of Lust / A Question Time.” Mixed media: Hourman action figure, string, cup-holders, Depeche Mode 45’s. Interdisciplinary Graduate Symposium Art Exhibit. 2001.
“The Dark Side of the Moon.” Mixed media: Starman action figure, string, cup-holders, Pink Floyd Albums. Interdisciplinary Graduate Symposium Art Exhibit. 2001.
"The Dynamic Duo. Battle #3." UC Davis Graduate Student Art Gallery. Mixed media: Costumed superhero action figures, string. 2001.